
Open Food Network - USA Donation Shop

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contributions accepted any time!

Los pedidos se cerrarán {{ OrderCycle.orders_close_at() | date_in_words }}
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contributions accepted any time!

We are a small team of volunteers committed to building tools for short supply chains and local food systems in the US, and we are part of a global movement to reinvent how communities feed and take care of themselves. Our code is Open Source and freely available to anyone to use, but it does cost money to pay for servers and to compensate developers. The suggested fees below help us contribute to the international team that develops the software platform, the infrastructure our US platform runs on, and provide resources for us to spread the word about OFN and connect with new users and others who want to support our work.  

Los pedidos se cerrarán {{ OrderCycle.orders_close_at() | date_in_words }}
Los pedidos están abiertos
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contributions accepted any time!

productoras de {{ shopfront.name }}:
  • {{ enterprise.name }} {{ enterprise.name }}
Open Food Network - USA Donation Shop

PO Box 778
Alturas California 96101

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